Santander improved its conversions up to 37% thanks to ad-machina corporate

Banco Santander improved its conversions up to 37% thanks to ad-machina corporate, an AI-based personalization technology scaled by the company globally.

The Company

Banco Santander is a leading commercial bank, founded in 1857 and headquartered in Spain. One of the largest banks in the world by market capitalization. The group’s activities are consolidated into five global businesses: Retail & Commercial Banking, Digital Consumer Bank, Corporate & Investment Banking (CIB), Wealth Management & Insurance and Payments (PagoNxt and Cards).

In the first quarter of 2024, Banco Santander had €1.3 trillion in total funds, 166 million customers, 8,400 branches and 211,000 employees.

The challenge

Banco Santander, a leading Spanish financial institution with a global presence in over 15 countries, sought to scale its Google Ads campaigns effectively.  This presented a complex challenge due to:

  • Market Diversity: each market has unique characteristics in banking advertising, requiring distinct campaign approaches while maintaining consistent quality standards.
  • Scalability: Managing numerous Google Ads campaigns across various products, languages, and regulations demanded a scalable solution.
  • Competitive Landscape: in an increasingly competitive environment, staying ahead of the curve with innovative solutions was crucial.
  • Security and Compliance: the banking sector necessitates a high degree of security and adherence to brand quality standards.

The approach

Making Science, through its ad-machina corporate technology, partnered with Santander to address these challenges. The approach involved:

  • Generative AI for Automation: ad-machina corporate’s Generative AI capabilities automated and scaled ad creation within Google Ads, considering diverse products, languages, and local regulations.
  • Hyper-Personalized Ads: the solution leveraged AI to generate hyper-personalized ads, enhancing user experience and improving campaign effectiveness.
  • AI-driven Campaign Optimization: AI algorithms analyzed campaign data and recommended optimizations, leading to continuous performance improvements.
  • Cross-Market Reporting and Insights: ad-machina corporate facilitated the generation of cross-market reports, enabling Santander to gain valuable insights into campaign performance across different regions and identify global trends.
  • Dedicated Data Repository for Enhanced Security: a dedicated data repository provided an additional layer of security, ensuring the protection of sensitive banking data and compliance with data privacy regulations.

The results

The implementation of ad-machina corporate yielded impressive results across various countries:

  • Norway: +14% Conversions
  • Denmark: -16% CPA, +19% Conversions
  • Sweden: +13% Conversions
  • Brasil: -14% CPA, +37% Conversions
  • Mexico: -22% CPA, +15% Conversions
  • Chile: -23% CPA, +30% Conversions
  • Argentina: -6% CPA, +12% Conversions