- Electronic commerce
- Events
- Goals
If you have not yet had the luck or the budget to be able to acquire Google Analytics 360 or dont have a free version and therefore are limited to sampling when viewing your data and your measurements you will find the best means to get metrics that reconcile with your CRM will be via Google’s eCommerce. In general terms all you need to do is include a goal based on the url of the “thank you” page or an event by clicking on the button just prior to the conversion. It is important to make some notes before continuing. If you have decided to measure your macro-conversion of the site by configuring a destination target in the thank you page you should know that if a user arrives at this page via either a reload or the user had stored the URL in favourites with the intention of seeing their order number again in the coming days, this url will be reloaded and will send GoogleAnalytics a new conversion when in fact there has been no conversion event. On the other hand, if you decide to implement an event in an account such as buying or booking prior to arrival on the thank you page , there is always the possibility that this button is clicked and the user has filled in all the fields of the “check-out”, but for some reason does not load the Thank You page, sending an event to Google Analytics without a conversion having occurred. Google’s e-commerce can assist you to manage through these exception cases to keep your metrics accurate. Additionally, if your online business is based on the capture of leads being the macro-conversion of your website, of course you can measure this conversion with the e-commerce of Google Analytics as well even though it may not be a “true” e-commerce conversion. Do not be confused by the name and think the solution can ONLY be used for e-commerce conversions. The implementation of electronic commerce either through the web code or via Google Tag Manager is based on a series of variables that are collected; from the thank you page, the information of the transaction that has just been produced, as well as articles, Reserved rooms or request for information that may make up a transaction. This data is sent to Google Analytics. The variables are the following:

- More complete reports when you export your data to Data Studio,
- e-commerce is more accurate than measuring with objectives and therefore Google prepare more functionalities for e-commerce.
- One of the most important analysis you can do now will be the result of crossing the Google Analytics data with your CRM, enriching information to this through the variable transactionId that offers a common value that is found on both platforms.
Do not waste more time, improve your measurement to double that conversion rate that worries you so much and make more money for your company. We can help you, ask Making Science for more information without commitment and how our data experts can assist you in meeting your digital marketing challenges.