- Mission and vision: the intersection between what it is, what it says it is and what it does.
- Brand assets: equipment, infrastructure, history, etc.
So far we talk about the reality of the company, the most tangible aspects in which to support its brand territory.
- Functional attributes and emotional values: aspects on which we base the DNA of the brand, to identify these attributes and values we can use tools such as Brand Identity Prism of Kapferer.

- Personality: a maximum of 3 or 4 attitudes that define the character of the brand, obtained through tools of Brand Being (the brand as a person).
- Brand idea: we refer to the concept we want to create, or position that we want to occupy. It will solve the question of “why did you come to this world” or “what is your purpose”. The spirit of the company and the future actions of the brand will revolve around this idea. Tools like Bull Eye of Brand Essence help us get to this idea.
- Value proposition: summarizes the essence of the brand and is sometimes verbalized in a Brand Claim, in a Tagline or in a Baseline, but Campaign Claim is never used.